By Novagrace Carganillo Articles Posted 9 months ago 236 views


Intermittent fasting is a type of eating pattern in which you alternate between eating and fasting intervals.

Intermittent fasting can be done in a variety of ways, including the 16/8 and 5:2 approaches.

Numerous studies have shown that it can have significant health and cognitive benefits.


Here are twelve health benefits of intermittent fasting that are supported by research.


1. Helps with Weight Loss

It is widely acknowledged that how much you eat has a far greater influence on weight loss than how frequently or when you eat. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, may help you maintain a caloric deficit that leads to weight loss.

However, intermittent fasting does not always imply a caloric deficit. Even when they limit the time they eat; some people struggle to keep within a safe caloric range.

Caloric restriction has been shown to lower body weight and visceral fat, however maintaining a healthy caloric deficit for extended periods of time can be difficult.  Intermittent fasting is regarded to be a good method for weight loss since emerging human trials reveal considerable reductions in body weight and visceral fat.

Ultimately, maintaining a healthy weight requires more than just controlling our caloric intake with techniques like intermittent fasting. Our capacity to reduce weight and maintain a healthy weight is influenced by a variety of elements, including our lifestyle, stress levels, sleep habits, and others.


2. Enhances Insulin Resistance Thus Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Intermittent fasting and weight loss may help reduce fasting blood glucose and increase insulin sensitivity by decreasing levels of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells to regulate hunger, and boosting levels of adiponectin, a hormone involved in glucose and lipid metabolism.

People who intermittently fasted had lower levels of blood glucose in several trials where fasting was employed as a weight-loss intervention and method for maintaining a healthy weight, which happens to be a fundamental goal in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

These potential benefits may be driven mainly by reductions in body weight and body fat percent as a result of caloric restriction induced by intermittent fasting, but evidence nevertheless suggests that intermittent fasting has an overall good effect on blood sugar levels.


3. Aid in the Reduction of Cholesterol

When you eat a nutritious diet throughout your non-fasting periods, your cholesterol may also improve following intermittent fasting.

In both healthy and overweight people, intermittent fasting has been shown to improve lipid profiles by lowering total cholesterol, LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and triglyceride levels.

Since studies examining the effects of intermittent fasting on cholesterol have primarily been conducted on Ramadan fasters, intermittent fasting may be a useful dietary strategy to lower cholesterol. However, more research is required to fully understand the differences between short-term and long-term metabolic changes brought on by fasting.


4. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Intermittent fasting may help protect our hearts by preventing heart disease and aiding recovery after a heart attack.

Human trials have discovered that intermittent fasting can lower risk variables associated with an elevated risk of heart disease, including as: reducing blood pressure, lowering blood lipid and cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood glucose levels, and decreasing inflammatory factors such as C-reactive proteins and cytokines.


5. May Aid in the Management of Inflammation

Our bodies naturally experience inflammation as part of the process of fighting off harmful germs or recovering from injuries by activating our immune systems.

However, if inflammation continues for an extended period of time, it can begin to harm us. Chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system continues to be activated by what it perceives to be a threat. Prolonged inflammation contributes to the development of chronic diseases like atherosclerosis, heart disease, osteoporosis, and even diabetes.

Intermittent fasting has been proven to lower levels of pro-inflammatory markers such homocysteine, interleukin 6, and C-reactive protein, all of which contribute to the development of these chronic diseases.


6. Helps with Brain Health and Function

Intermittent fasting may boost memory and mental performance while also supporting brain health and function by preserving neurons in the brain from degeneration and failure.

The use of intermittent fasting may be beneficial as a treatment for neurodegenerative conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and stroke, according to newly available evidence.

It's important to keep in mind that these possible advantages may result from more than just the act of fasting; optimal blood sugar levels, lower inflammation, and decreased body fat have all been related to good brain performance.


7. Keeps Cells Young and Healthy

When we fast, we offer our body the chance to recharge and mend while taking care of the built-in mechanisms that maintain our cells healthy. Our body naturally goes through processes like autophagy to maintain the health of our cells, which keeps us healthy.


8. May Prolong Your Life Span

There are a number of ways that intermittent fasting may increase human life expectancy, including weight loss, lowered blood pressure, and the majority of the advantages we outlined above.

According to studies on animals, intermittent fasting increases longevity and reduces risk of diseases associated with aging, stress, metabolic response, and poor health.

These findings are difficult to establish in human trials due to the numerous factors that influence epidemiological studies and the numerous types of fasting. However, some of the benefits of intermittent fasting may improve our overall quality of life and lower our risk of developing chronic diseases. 


9. Could Contribute to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

There is still some uncertainty about this potential advantage. Periodic fasting, according to animal studies, may help shield healthy cells from the harmful effects of chemotherapy medications while making cancer cells more responsive to the therapy.

The evidence is still lacking when it comes to human trials. However, further research is required to fully understand how fasting might be used to cure cancer. Weight control and lowered inflammatory levels could both slow the development of cancer.


10. Could Aid in the Promotion of Balance in Areas Other Than Food

We automatically think of food when we think of intermittent fasting since that is what we are restricting. But, could we benefit from taking a break from other aspects of our lives?

The primary premise of fasting is to abstain from something for a set period of time, so what else could we fast from except food?

We might benefit from taking a vacation from certain activities that could have a favorable impact on our health and wellbeing, including television, social media, and video games, to mention a few.

Finally, actively choosing to minimize or modify our habits can assist us in developing health and wellness objectives based on our values and beliefs.