By Novagrace Carganillo Tips and Ideas Posted 8 months ago 223 views


Snoring occurs when air flows through your throat while sleeping. This causes the relaxed tissues in your throat to vibrate, resulting in harsh, potentially irritating sounds.

Snoring may interfere with your or your partner's sleep. Snoring is not a symptom to ignore, even if it isn't bothering you too much. In fact, snoring can be an indication of a serious health problem, such as: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), also known as blocked airways, obesity, a problem with your mouth, nose, or throat structure, sleep deficiency. Snoring can also be caused by sleeping on your back or drinking alcohol too close to bedtime.

Here are some tips to help you stop snoring:


1. You should sleep on your side.

When you sleep on your back, your tongue may move to the back of your throat, partially blocking airflow.

Sleeping on your side may be all that is required to allow air to circulate freely and reduce or eliminate snoring.


2. Get enough sleep.

As recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Snoring may be exacerbated by a lack of sleep. This is due to the fact that it can relax your throat muscles, making you more susceptible to airway obstruction.

Snoring can also increase your chances of sleep deprivation because it disrupts your sleep.


3. Raise your bed's head.

Elevating the head of your bed a few inches may help reduce snoring by keeping your airways open. You can add some height by using products such as bed risers or pillows.


4. Make use of nasal strips or a nasal dilator

To help widen the nasal airway, stick-on nasal strips can be applied on the bridge of your nose. By doing this, you may be able to breathe more effectively and snore less or not at all.

A stiffened adhesive strip that is placed across the nostrils on the top of the nose as an alternative to an internal nasal dilator. This may lessen the airflow resistance, which will help breathing.

Also available are internal nasal dilators, which you insert within your nose.


5. Restrict or stay away from alcohol before bed.

Try to avoid drinking for at least 3 hours before going to bed. Alcohol can cause snoring by relaxing the muscles in the throat.

Also, alcohol can make it difficult for you to sleep.


6. Avoid taking sedatives before going to bed.

If you use sedatives, talk to your doctor about your options. Stopping sedative use before bedtime may help to reduce snoring. Sedatives, like alcohol, can relax muscles, including those in your throat.


7. If you smoke, make an effort to quit.

Smoking is a bad habit that can make your snoring worse. According to a 2014 study Trusted Source, one possible reason for this is that smoking may increase your risk of OSA or worsen the condition.

Consult your doctor about smoking cessation therapies such as gum or patches.


8. Maintain a healthy weight.

If you are overweight, losing weight will help reduce the amount of tissue in your throat. Your snoring could be caused by extra tissue.

You can lose weight by eating smaller portions and more nutrient-dense foods. Make an effort to exercise on a daily basis. You could also seek advice from a doctor or a nutritionist.