By Novagrace Carganillo Articles Posted 9 months ago 202 views


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which the holy Quran was revealed and Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days.

Muslims typically eat a meal called suhoor before sunrise, fast from sunrise to sunset, and then break their fast with a meal called iftar. Repetition is required throughout the full month. Ramadan is a time when fasting from food and drink is not the only fasting practice. One should practice patience, self-control, and thankfulness as a result of their physical hunger and thirst. Ramadan's main purpose is to draw closer to God.


Here are 10 helpful Ramadan tips for non-Muslims:


1. Consume and Drink

Muslims observing Ramadan are permitted to eat and drink after sunset until sunrise, but not during the day, not even a sip of water. That doesn't mean Muslims expect non-Muslims to abstain from eating during the day. They expect to see others eating and drinking without apologies. However, during the holy month, be mindful of midday office potlucks, lunch-and-learn meetings, or after-work food and drink-related social invites, and don't take offense if your Muslim coworker requests a rain check if the event is held before sundown.


2. Iftar

If a non-Muslim is invited to the iftar, or fast-breaking meal, after sundown, try to attend. The more people there are, the better. After sunset, a large meal is served, and everyone is eager to eat and celebrate Allah's joy.


3. Fasting

You could feel under pressure to test out the fast and adhere to it for the entire month if your partner or closest friend is a Muslim and fasting for Ramadan. Yet, you are not compelled to observe the fast for 30 days, and doing so won't insult your Muslim connections. Nonetheless, depending on the nation, non-Muslims may be legally required to observe the fast while visiting a predominantly Muslim nation during Ramadan.


4. Loss of weight

Depending on the individual and how much they consume after sundown, Ramadan fasting may cause weight loss or gain at the end of the month. Ramadan is not about dieting; rather, it is about getting closer to God. When discussing Ramadan and fasting with a Muslim, keep in mind that the practice is not meant to help people lose weight and is not an equal or appropriate comparison.


5. Happy Ramadan!

Muslims appreciate it when their holidays are acknowledged. If you have a Muslim friend, wish them a happy Ramadan, or "Ramadan Mubarak," or "Ramadan Kareem," which means "blessed Ramadan." When Ramadan concludes after 30 days with the Eid al-Fitr celebration, it is appropriate to say, "Eid Mubarak," which means "Happy Eid."


6. Non-fasters

Not every Muslim fast during Ramadan, especially if they are too young, ill or elderly, pregnant or nursing. If you see a Muslim who isn't fasting, don't assume they're spiritually out for the month or aren't practicing their faith. They might be unable to participate due to a medical condition.


7. Calendar

Ramadan is not the same as Christmas and does not begin on the same day each year. It moves throughout the year according to the Islamic lunar calendar and can occur at any time of year. It takes place each year in the ninth month of the calendar, beginning with the sighting of a new moon, as declared by leaders in each nation.


8. The Good Times

Ramadan is a happy and joyous month, and most people are looking forward to the fasting season. It's a time for prayer, community, and worship. Over a billion Muslims worldwide are fasting in brotherly communion. So, don't expect your Muslim friends or coworkers to be depressed or "hungry" because they haven't eaten all day.


9. Time for prayer

During Ramadan, prayer is especially important, and many Muslims devote more time to the mosque. The final ten days of Ramadan, including the Night of Power on the 27th, are thought to be even more significant. Because the Night of Power is when the Prophet Mohammad received the first revelation of the Quran, many Muslims will pray around the clock in the final days in the hopes of receiving additional blessings from God. Be aware that Muslims will be praying throughout the day and that may need to step away or leave during the time for prayer.


10. It is OK to ask

Ramadan observance is regarded as important and fulfilling because it is one of the five pillars of Islam. So, it is OK to ask inquiries for people who are unfamiliar with the traditions. Muslims are happy to explain the rationale for the fast to anyone who is interested in learning more.